Sunday, February 27, 2011

Launch Party

Oh man this is such a relief to finally be posting!  I've been working hard on this for a long time now and I'm super excited about the launch of my new brand, website ( and blog.  Its been a brutal process to identify exactly what it is that I wanted to promote.  Do I narrow it down and only offer one or two services?  Do I only shoot weddings?  Portraits?  Commercial?  Model testing?  The bottom line is, I'm a photographer and I will not turn down a job.  I've been blessed with a gift and I would be depriving the world if I did not use it in every capacity possible ("The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield).  And if you've been following me at all in the last year or two you know that I've photographed some things that I really wished I had the opportunity to shoot more of: political portraits, documentary work, product photography and music music music!  I'm coming to a point in my career where my style is becoming more and more evident and I'm proud to say that my best work to be made lies ahead of me!

So with this launch I'm going to be offering some new services that I'm thrilled about.

The first is product photography, geared towards the Etsy user who wants to show the beautiful detail and color of there handmade products.  The biggest problems I've seen with Etsy shops are the color accuracy and tonal range of the imagery.  Most of the product shots show blown out highlights and shadow areas without detail.  Your product images don't have to be so over processed that they don't maintain any of the original color.  Your customers need to know what the products really looks like!  I'm offering 4 different setups, high key (white), low key (black), earth (brown and green tones) and shabby chic.  All product shoots will include a phone consultation to nail down the direction that you would like for your product photography to go.  The possibilities are endless, we can even set up models to photograph your product on, for an additional fee.  Lets show the world how amazing and beautiful your products are!

The second is DASO Photo Booths!  I'm ecstatic about this one.  The web site has been purchased, the booths are almost complete and I'm now booking for weddings, parties and all types of events.  DASO Photo Booths are honestly going to be second to none.  There will be much more information and images available at this link,, so pass it on to your friends and your family or anyone else you know that is planning a wedding or party.  DASO Photo Booths will offer digital files as well as prints and duplicates on site.  Tailorable for every budget and style.

The most exciting part about this launch for you guys is...DISCOUNTS!  I have decided that with a good launch party comes party favors and your party favor comes in the form of money in your pocket.
  • Portrait sessions are going to be discounted 30%.  A standard portrait session normally runs $150 and comes with a private online gallery for viewing and a $50 print credit.  With 30% off and a $50 print credit that pretty sweet deal for $105.
  • Engagement sessions are $400 and include 3 hours customized for you and your fiancĂ© in multiple locations and clothing changes. Includes a digital image for web or newspaper and $100 print credit.  Take 20% off this session and you get all of this for $320, I don't think you could find a better deal than that.
  • Band, Music and Artist sessions will also be discounted 30%.  That's a 4 hour shoot with a 5 image promotional package for $175!
  • The first person to subscribe to this blog, tweet the link to it and share it on facebook will get a free portrait session for you and your immediate family!  You will get all that is included in a standard portrait session, including the print credit!

The only stipulation on the discounts is that you must live in the greater Sacramento area, Lodi, Stockton, Folsom, etc... and you have to book by the end of this week, the cut off date is March 5th.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the longest blog post I have ever written and for participating in this momentous occasion with me.  Please take advantage of all of the discounts and follow me around every corner, Facebook, Twitter and here on this blog.

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