This is his christmas tree lot:
Lincoln didn't know exactly why all these trees were stuck on bases or why we would want one, but he sure knew how to look amazing!
Bryony thought this one would be fitting for our living room...I disagreed.
"I love Christmas trees soooooo much, hehehehehe!" (ok, maybe she didn't say that at all)
I bet if I stand real still he can't see me.
One beautiful Santa Rosa couple.
And one beautiful Stockton pair.
I did something bad. I told two 4 year olds to run in a Christmas tree lot, Tim didn't care, but there mom's did.
Lincoln's wondering why Uncle Brandon is making a fist. "If he hits my dad I am going bananas on him." Brandon don't make Lincoln angry.
Hey ladies.
Brandon working on his own blog post, with a little video of Tim.
Cousins for life, homie!
"Thats my dad right there, look, look, look!"
"I said LOOOOOK!!!!!!!!" Just like I told Brandon, don't make Lincoln angry.
Real branch, fake snow.
And the hunt continues.
Caution Tim at work.
"All that running made us so tired, or we're both pooping?" You decide.
Fighting out of the white corner, the Filipino el camino!
"That guy over there with the white beard, you may have heard of him, Santa, gave us these candy canes for running the most laps today!"
Lincoln thought we should have spent the money on a new toy truck instead.
Lets ride homies!
I didn't know we could have so much fun looking for a christmas tree but we sure did. The kids loved it and sometimes its nice to just let them loose and go crazy and not worry to much about them (there was a fence, where could they go?). I wanted to say a big thanks to Tim for making out tree buying experience a great one, we'll see you next year. And if your in the Stockton area, he has the best trees around, 5308 Pacific Avenue Stockton, California 95207, near Macy's. He will make your tree buying experience a memorable one and don't be surprised if he calls you by your name when you leave, he's that kind of guy. What kind of Christmas memories are you making? I hope they're as awesome as ours. God Bless!
I've enjoyed your blog posts immensely!
ReplyDelete...AND... since you offered recently, could you share a link we me on how to shrink-shrinky-shrinkier-shrinkiest photos with my Mac BookAir???? www (dot) thedummyversion (dot) com
My blog's Kelley Highway. E-mail me at Thanks!
We me? Oh, brother.
ReplyDeleteKelley can I ask what photo editing software you are using? I'd be glad to help.