Sunday, January 15, 2012

Resistance - Stockton, CA

Some of you may know this, I'm reading through The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield again.  I recommend this book to every single artist that I come in contact with.  It was recommended to me, I read it, it changed my ways, and I continue to spread the Pressfield word.

It really is a game changer, no matter what your endeavor may be.  It headlines three major topics, resistance (we hate her), combating resistance (how to be a professional),  beyond resistance: the higher realm (who do you answer to).  Resistance seeks to destroy all of us.  Its ingrained in our DNA and wants to keep us from succeeding.  The book tells you how to beat her...and it works.

Today resistance reared her ugly head on me.  I took my camera to church this morning fully expecting to photograph during service and hopefully come away with some images that the staff at the church could use for outreach or whatever.  Turned my camera on when I got there and guess what?  No memory card in the camera.  Of course there wasn't one.  I wanted to create something.  So rather than getting upset, I turned the camera off and placed it quietly under the seat in front of me.  I worshipped and I enjoyed the service.

Luckily for me I would get another opportunity to create today and this time I didn't forget the memory card.  I only shot about 60 frames. Nothing I was really crazy about but I shot none the less.  Which brings me to another point from The War Of Art:
It's three, three-thirty.  The office is closed.  How many pages have I produced?  I don't care.  Are they any good?  I don't even think about it.  All that matters is that I've put in my time and hit it with all I've got.  All that counts, is that for this day, for this session, I have overcome Resistance.
So, so true.  I, by no means, produced great work today.  But I produced.  And I gave it all that I had.  So in this case, I win.  Don't let resistance win.  Put in the work daily.  Some times you hit home runs creatively and sometimes you just get a base hit but the point is you wouldn't have hit either if you didn't show up for the game.

I shot this today.  Its not my most creative work, but its a base hit.


  1. I've been reading that book again also.

  2. who are these people?

  3. Brandon she is a Stockton city councilwoman. I'll be photographing all of her campaign material.

  4. So two years in a row doing political campaign photography??

  5. Yeah Junior, I'm slowly inching my way into it. Resistance isn't winning, I'm doing the work daily and its paying off.
