Thursday, January 5, 2012

Vintage Me, Vintage You - Scout and Sophia

For this weeks episode of Vintage Me, Vintage You, we go all the way back to Texas.  Bryony and I have lived in a few places around the country but spent most of our years together in the Houston area.  We owned a home there for several years and these were shot at a park near our house.  The little girl in the center there is my daughter, Scout, my how she has grown.  She's five now and I can't believe how quickly its all gone by.  She's as beautiful and smart as I ever thought she would be and I can't wait to see what happens in the next five years.  The other little girl in this image is Sophia.  She's the daughter of one of my best friends, Donny Faulkner and his wife Savannah.  She was SO squishy.  Scout and her were inseparable, I wonder if they would even know each other now?  I think its my duty as a father and a documentarian to help my children remember these moments.  Its basically circling around to last nights post about printing your photographs.  Its an obligation to share and record our history for our children and grandchildren.  Some day I believe that Scout will appreciate all the effort I put into documenting her and Lincoln's lives.  Even if she doesn't, I want to be able to look back at these times when I'm old and remember things this way.

1 comment:

  1. HA! The middle one... *wink* That one in particular even looks genuinely old.

    These are precious!
