Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vintage Me,Vintage You - July 4, 2009 - Sam Rayburn Lake, TX

My beautiful and amazing Grand Parents, Emory and Eunice Quarles, gave my brother and I a cabin near the lake several years ago.  It's a very modest place on nearly an acre that my Grandfather built, with his own two hands, a long time ago.  I have stacked up so many memories growing up here.  Going to the lake in the summer time, riding four wheelers, building fires, roasting marshmallows, and the list goes on and on.  The really beautiful thing about the place is all the hours my Papa spent studying the word and praying there. Its like a haven from the world.  

My brother and I really cherish this place and I wanted to share the last 4th of July get together we had there in 2009.

My Papa and Nanny and my mom is on the left.  That's Sadie lying in the dirt, they love her, she hates me.

My brother getting a plate ready for his daughter Katelyn.  We had a giant table and it looks like not all that much food.

Circle of chairs, with a box fan...pretty sure that wasn't helping the heat.  Not sure if you know much about deep East Texas summers, but they're brutal.

My wife, Aunt Marsha, Aunt Alice and Glen, all wondering exactly what it is that Scout wants.  Thats her little head down there in the middle.

Oh there she is.

Scout I think Sadie just stole your hot dog.  Aren't they cute.  She was Lincoln's age here, time really flies.

He gives the same smile every time the camera comes out, and the truth is...I love it.  I miss these two like crazy.  I don't get to see them that often anymore, but I wish I did.

There's a good use for the box fan, use it to blow bubbles.  God knows it wasn't good for anything else.

Sweaty kisses.  That's Miranda, Katelyn's mommy.

My bubba.

Trying to teach Papa and Sadie how to blow bubbles.  They both look pretty interested.

And now trying to teach momma too.  Notice all eyes are on her, she loves that...she loves it even more now.

Still playing with the bubbles.  Look how red her little cheeks are.  It was super hot.

I've always loved this photo, so much movement, just a beautiful tone to the image.  How gross is that water though?  She was all up in it too.

Posted up by the fan still.

This photo really shows what the heat and humidity were like.  That's condensation on the window.  So bad.

Hopefully I'll get to spend a 4th with my family again soon.  Really miss and love all of them.

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