Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Church Creative Team

I was asked to join the creative team at church this week and I had my first meeting tonight.  Looks like I'm going to be shooting a whole lot of video now...super excited about that actually.  Its something I've been wanting to do for a while.  The really cool thing is, in a sense, its no pressure.  I'm not going to epically fail a client if something goes wrong, there's no money involved, just free creativity.  That gets me really excited.  And being part of a team all of the creative ideas don't fully rest on me so that's nice too.

I'm  going to be sharing those videos as they are made from now on, but tonight I wanted to share a video that really inspired me.  It was done for a sermon that my brother in law, Brandon Miraflor, was preaching at a youth conference.  Brandon and a creative by the name of Josh Rivas developed, wrote, shot and edited this piece and I think its amazing.

1 comment:

  1. That was a great video thanks for sharing...I can't wait to see ur creative outlet put to good use at church....Lifesong keeps getting better & better
