Friday, March 23, 2012

Lincoln's Birthday - Part 2 - The Rest

Here is the last installment of all the posts for Lincoln's birthday.  I know it was a lot but I really love this boy and I took a lot of pictures on his 2nd birthday.  So in part one we left off when he fell asleep on the way to the restaurant.

Waiting impatiently for a table.  Luckily there weren't a whole lot of people here, because he was loud.

Probably my favorite photograph of the day.

Sissy's gonna get you bubba!

and Momma's gonna kiss you.

Aunty came to the party looking beautiful.

8 eyeballs and they still couldn't get through the menu.

He thought eating a lemon would be fun and he tried for a while...then he decided it wasn't.

Glad to be with Grammy and Poppy.

Literally horrified that someone would bring him ice cream and sing him happy birthday...totally freaked him out.

So much so that he gave it to his sister to eat.

And she did...quickly!

Skyping with Nana and Papa.

Yeah I see them bubba.

They wanted to see him open his gift from them.  They bought him a Little Tykes basketball goal and Superman pajamas.  He plays with that basketball goal every day.

Handing daddy screws to put it together with.


Still chatting.  I love that they get to do this.  They get to put a face to Papa and Nana, because they rarely get to see them.  Technology has made out lives better.

You would have thought he just won the NBA Championship.

She watches TV the same way; all up in it.

More toys from mommy and daddy.

So cool.

And happy.

Grammy bought him a life vest for summer.

Mommy and aunty made him a cake.  It was delicious and rich and chocolaty inside there.

He blew the candles out before the cake ever hit his high chair.

We relit and tried again.

Scout thought she was getting this ice cream too.

Not this time!

And this would be the moment he realized that there was ice cream inside.  Jubilation.

Can't believe my baby is 2 and so thankful that both of my kids are healthy and happy.  Thank you Jesus. I can wait for the 3rd, I'm not in that big of a hurry, but I promise you I will document every one of your special days just like this.  I love you Lincoln Emory James Sowers.

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