Sunday, January 8, 2012

Advertising or Art

Where is the line between commercial advertising and art drawn?  Does there have to be a line drawn?  Shouldn't everything we create be considered art, like it or not?  The recent Levi's campaign, "Go Forth", really got me thinking.  These are some of the most beautifully shot, directed and produced commercials I have ever seen.  I chose to share one that was suitable for all viewers, some of them are risque.  The print campaign is just as good, and just as edgy.

I think what's interesting about this campaign is the return to vintage.  It is unapologetic and raw.  No visual trickery.  Just straight forward black and white beauty.  There is seriously something special about the work that the Levi's advertising team has been putting out.  And I for one see it as art.  Its expressive, its well thought out.  It's moving.

Bottom line is it makes me want to buy Levi's.  But it does it in a way that is convincing.  There is nothing shown in the commercial that I am not or that I don't want to be.  It opens up emotions of youth and being completely free.  And it does it from a point of view that is real, its documentary, its not glossy.  Its everything that art should do to you emotionally.  And I like it.  So go buy Levi's.

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