Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Challenge - 11/30/2011 - Film Speed/ISO

A somewhat short talk on what ISO or film speed is.  How it varies in sensitivity to light and potential uses for different speeds.  Send me more questions and I'll have more answers, thanks for reading and watching.


nate said...

i like the new blg. hope you are posting on Youtube.

David Sowers said...

Nathan thanks for checking out the blog, all of my videos are on youtube at this link, you can subscribe to my channel if you like. take care.

Anonymous said...

Love your videos.

What initially interested you into photography?
And how often do you visit it?

David Sowers said...

Brandon I honestly started shooting when I was about 8 years old. My dad gave me a sears SLR camera, which was the equivalent of a Pentax K1000. In fact they were identical. So I started photographing my friends and RC cars and riding bikes, anything and everything I could. I remember the wonder I felt when my mom would bring home the prints from Walgreens. Its basically magical. Seeing the successes and the failures was and still is thrilling. You can plan and plan and plan for a shot and it may come out entirely different than what you expected, but at times the result is better. I revisit that same feeling every time I shoot. The nervousness before and during a shoot and the joy and excitement afterward. I love it all.