Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Since I started this blogging process I've been committed to putting out a post every day.  Whether that be from a shoot, writing about photography or just sharing links from other blogs or photographers that I like to follow.  The point is that I've been committed.  And I can honestly say that it is beginning to pay off for me.  More mentally than anything else.  The biggest thing its helped me with is identifying my strengths and my weaknesses and defining who it is I am as a photographer.  That person I'm becoming is an editorial photographer and a story teller.  This image, from a relatively unsuccessful shoot, sums up where it is that I'm going:

After editing my images and critiquing all aspects of this shoot, I asked myself what was I trying to say here?  I wanted to express something youthful, something fun, something that captured where Brittony was in her own life at this moment in time.  I thought to myself how can I feed off of a single word and create an entire shoot off of one thought.  This image captures a lot for me.  It is helping to define who I am.  I want every image I take to tell a story or at the very least evoke something from the viewer.  I want my images to speak, to be alive, not just be snapshots.  I find myself falling into the snapshot concept.  Maybe because its easy, it certainly takes less thought.  This blogging process has caused me to push myself and to ask "Why?", with every image I make.  I'm growing because of it.  And as difficult as it is doing this every day, I'm thankful for the struggle.  I'm redefining who I am as an artist.

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