Monday, December 19, 2011

Photographic Style - Developing It

A short thought on where photographic style comes from.


Anonymous said...

Perfect Bite size post! 2 new questions: 1)If you could work along side any photographer who would it be? 2)What genre of photography do you dislike the most and why?

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

STYLE: As a blogger, my photos vomit. But everything you said about the patience with your own personal style, not rushing to edit your way toward style, etc. said a LOT to me about other aspects of my STYLE. Your advice applies to many areas of personal creativity-- dress, hair, schedule, relationships, cooking, baking, sewing, painting, public speaking, writing... and photography is one area I feel sooo weak in. I'm reaping from your challenge! Thank you!

David Sowers said...

Thank you so much Kelley, I'm really glad you're getting something out of this. Even some life lessons. I kinda wonder if people are reading or watching the blog and if I'm doing any good with it. Thanks for sharing.