Saturday, January 7, 2012

365 or 364

When I embarked on this journey of posting something every day for a year, I certainly forgot to take into account the possibility of illness.  And I was violently sick last night.  I threw up every thirty minutes for about 12 hours, my stomach is still in knots and I have zero energy.  So this is going to be short.  I recently shot this photo of Scout's bear, Bearsky, one Saturday morning and it just seemed so sad to me.  See, Bearsky has literally been around since before Scout was born.  They are inseparable.  But as she gets older I can see the ties between them getting weaker.  This image just captured all of that for me.

I feel so bad for him, he looks so sad.

I will be posting twice tomorrow to catch up to what I missed.  Pray for me I still feel pretty terrible.  God
Bless and good night.


Anonymous said...

WOW what an amazing shot!! I love images you have to look at for more than 5 seconds

Amy said...

sorry you all are sick. Sheesh. I guess we just missed it! love you guys

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

As a mother of adult daughters, I remember these moments well. Tiger and Gussy, my two kids' stuffed animals (respectively) were each purchased on a shopping trip with Daddy on the 3rd birthday. Tiger the tiger and Gussy the raccoon both went to college, believe it or not. Tiger's tail had wiped tears and his whiskers were gnawed on. Gussy's coat is worn bare in numerous regions of his anatomy and Mommy had to perform cosmetic surgery on at least one occasion (tear in a seam).

Moving image you captured of Bearsky. A treasure.

David Sowers said...

Kelley, what a cool story. It would be pretty incredible if Scout took Bearsky to college. There are actually two backups for Bearsky. After we realized how attached to him she was, we found to exact matches on ebay and bought them. Unfortunately they don't look anything like him now, you can't just recreate how tattered he is. Luckily we've never had to use a replacement bear and they've been passed on to Lincoln, who for the most part could care less about a bear. He would rather sleep with a truck.